Scuba Refreshers

Re-Discover Diving and Refresh Your Skills

Scuba Refreshers and PADI ReActivate

As a certified diver, it’s up to you to refresh your dive skills and keep your diving knowledge up to date.  If you haven’t been diving within the last year, a refresher is perfect for you.  For a more thorough academic and skill review, divers can complete the optional PADI ReActivate online, and then make arrangements for an extended pool session.

Book Your Trip Now

Availability: Contact us for booking information

Pool Refreshers Policy: If you're a certified diver and it’s been more than a year since your last dive, or if you want to test out your dive gear, consider contacting us, or your local dive shop, about scheduling a pool refresher prior to your boat trip.

Pool refreshers are strongly advised if it's been more than:

  • 2 years since your last dive, and you have fewer than 20 dives, OR
  • 5 years since your last dive, and you have fewer than 50 dives

Book your pool dive, or call to schedule a pool and shore or boat diving combination!

Scuba Refresher/ReActivate Details


  • Scuba Refresher in the pool: $100 [Get 25% off your pool session if you book a boat trip with us]
  • PADI ReActivate in the pool: $125 (plus online course- $75-subject to change annually)
  • Private options: Additional $150 per private session on request

We Provide

Class and Pool Instruction, Tanks, Weights, BCD, Regulator, Dive Computer, Wetsuit

Student Provides

For Refresher -- Just yourself, swimsuit and towel - though you are welcome to bring your own gear! For ReActivate -- eLearning Online course $75


  • Certified Diver
  • Scuba Refresher/ReActivate Schedule

Schedule days: 7 days/week with reservations

Scuba Refresher: 10:00am-noon

PADI ReActivate: 10:00am-1:00pm

Things to Know

For ReActivate: Please review the medical questions on the Medical Statement . If you have a YES to a medical question, you will need to get a doctor’s approval before starting the course.  And please make sure to complete the online ReActivate course prior to the start of your pool session.

View Policies for Children

View Cancellation Policy

Flying or Driving to Altitude After Diving: For multiple dives per day or multiple days of diving, a minimum surface interval of 18 hours is suggested before flying or driving to altitude. For a single dive, a minimum of 12 hours is suggested.

Book your pool dive, or call to schedule a pool and shore or boat dives!



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