
Caution: Look Out For These Crazy-cool Hawaiian Critters

06 May, 2022 Creature Feature COMMENTS
Caution: Look Out For These Crazy-cool Hawaiian Critters

  Hawaii is a bucket list destination for many people. And we are thrilled you are visiting! But beware, here are the top 5 cool sea creatures you want to keep your distance from on your next dive.  Hawaiian Monk Seal  In the Hawaiian language, […]

Creature Feature - Day Octopus

20 Jun, 2021 Creature Feature COMMENTS
Creature Feature - Day Octopus

A diver favorite, the Day Octopus, is the most common and frequently seen octopus in Hawaii.  This master of hide-and-seek often means divers swim right over them without noticing! While they are most active during early mornings and late afternoons, they spend about half their […]

Creature Feature - Jeweled Anemone Crab

24 Feb, 2021 Creature Feature COMMENTS
Creature Feature - Jeweled Anemone Crab

  One of the more spectacular looking crabs you can find diving in Kona is the Jeweled Anemone crab! This crab is often found on night dives in shallow and deeper waters.  What makes this crab unique is it collects 2 types of sea anemones […]

Jolly Green Giant, The Holy Grail Of Nudibranchs

26 Nov, 2020 Creature Feature ShelbyL COMMENTS
Jolly Green Giant, The Holy Grail Of Nudibranchs

  Jolly Green Giant or "Ceratosoma Sinuata" Photograph by Jack's Diving Locker's OWSI Sheila Blum This unusual and very rare to find slug has a scalloped mantle with green, yellow and blue markings. First pictured under this catchy and festive name by Bertsch and Johnson […]

Creature Feature - Leaf Scorpionfish

16 Aug, 2020 Creature Feature COMMENTS
Creature Feature - Leaf Scorpionfish

The Leaf Scorpionfish is always a fun find on Jack’s Diving Locker boat trips.  Often mistaken for a leaf swaying in the surge, the Leaf Scorpionfish has a dorsal fin that is permanently extended that has 12 spines.  Even with these spines, the Leaf Scorpionfish […]